I'm Back!

Well!  It appears it's been 5 years exactly since my last blog post.  Hmm.  I suppose we'll just call this a new beginning.

In those 5 years, a lot has happened!  We opened a cafe.  And then sold it.  Because we had a baby.  And another baby.  Which are my excuses for not blogging in the meantime. We bit off a little more than we can chew! During that time our jewellery business really took off as well.  We got some amazing press, we officially became a partnership so that both of us could work for the business full-time, we made a lot of wedding rings and we tried as hard as possible to cool our heels and hang out with our boys as much as possible.

So, why start blogging again now?  Well, the boys are a bit older, Henry goes to kindy three mornings a week and Truman actually sleeps for longer than an hour at a time, so I might possibly have the mental capacity to post slightly more engaging posts than just a series of appeals for tips on how to get babies to sleep.  I've always been a bit journalling-obsessed, so selfishly this will be a great record of this exciting time in our life.  Also, our future selves can look back and laugh at how silly our present selves are.

Ash and I hope to share a little bit more about what makes us tick-in our personal life and our business life.  We're dipping our toes into the world of wholesale, so we're going to share our experiences with that in hopes that we can help out (and hear from!) others on the same road.  We'll also share new designs and projects as well as lots and lots of photos of our beautiful boys.  Mainly to make their Granny's happy.


See?  You can almost feel their Granny's smiling (also this photo cracks me up because it looks like Tru has 6 toes on his left foot, he does not). We're also regularly updating our facebook page, pinterest, instagram and twitter, so feel free to stalk us. Also!  Want to see where it all began?  Here's a slightly embarrassing look back at my first attempt at blogging:  http://orsman-cres.blogspot.co.nz